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Chief Database release notes provide information on the upgrades, bug fixes and improvements that have been implemented within Chief Database and Chief Software solutions

30 JUNE 2023: v3.1.0

Major release with the following new features:


Point-Config is a GUI to manage points, previously point management had to be done via the command line tools:

Visualiser Editor and Manager (Tech Preview)

The visualiser can now:

Visualiser Alarm Window (Tech Preview)

An alarm window is now available that will show a real-time list of alarms, these alarms can be audiable and acknowledgeable:

31 MARCH 2023: v3.0.1

Major release with the following new features:

Chief now supports the following coordinate types:

All coordinate types support start scan coordinate quality (to indicate when a contiguous set of good data has been stored). Each coordinate can now have for following time precision:

Fixes in this release: 

4 NOVEMBER 2022: V2.7.10

8 AUGUST 2022: V2.7.0

7 JULY 2022: V2.6.1

11 MAY 2022: V2.5.1

16 NOVEMBER 2021: V2.3-90

1 NOVEMBER 2021: V2.3-88

28 AUGUST 2021: V2.3-87

11 JUNE 2021: V2.3.0


Fixes in this Release:

Other Improvements and Features in this Release:

25 MARCH 2021: V2.0.76-997

A point release containing bug fixes and minor improvements:

24 FEBRUARY 2021: V2.0.76.797

11 JANUARY 2021: V2.0.76.6RT32

Primary changes within this release were to fix MQTT data loss issue, and include:

23 NOVEMBER 2020: V2.0.76.518

The following changes have been since the 23 November 2020 release V2.0.76.518: